Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

kamus bahasa indonsia

kamus penting neh....
warga indonesia musti tau dunk....

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009


cord:  C-F-G-G17

la la la la la la
lombokijo party

la la la la la la
lombokijo party

we'll make some party djogja
and have so much fun
having and no more crying
make yr life so fine

Lombokijo Crew

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

smashing pumpkins bodies

"smashing pumpkins bodies"

Cast the pearls aside, of a simple life of need
Come into my life forever
The crumbled cities stand as known
Of the sights you have been shown
Of the hurt you call your own
Love is suicide

The empty bodies stand at rest
Casualties of their own flesh
Afflicted by their dispossession
But no bodies ever knew
No bodies felt like you

Love is suicide

Now we drive the night, to the ironies of peace
You can't help deny forever
The tragedies reside in you
The secret sights hide in you
The lonely nights divide you in two
All my blisters now revealed
In the darkness of my dreams
In the spaces in between us
But no bodies ever knew
No bodies felt like you

Love is suicide

artist : smashing pumpkins
album : MCIS

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

sugeng rawoh poro sedherex grunger !


blog lombokijo yang kamu kunjungi sedang dalam masa perbaikan.
so, "jo podo sumelang" OR khawathir,
dalam waktu dekat akan segera dapat dinikmati oleh warga grunger sedoyo "ke'mawon"

pun....demikian anda dapat nge"donlot" beberapa potho keren disini.
enjoy it,penak"ke dab.
ah.....bila kamu da inpo apa adja about grunge genere plese share yooo...

jangan lupa juga,sering2 mampir bwat info terbaru dari lombokijo,

 salam,Lombokijo Crew
djogjakarta, 12 dec 2009

turston more
